[jeus] *.war(servlet) 파일을 WAS의 컨테이너에 디플로이하는 방법.

2022. 2. 16. 09:53TmaxSoft/jeus


-JEUS 6.0 Fix#9 *.war(servlet) 파일을 WAS container에 디플로이하는 방법.

1.sftp tool(filezilla ...) 활용해서 "$JEUS_HOME/webhome/autodeploy/" 경로 *.war(serlvet) 파일 이관

[$JEUS_HOME/webhome/autodeploy/] $ ls 

2.jeus 기동

2.1.jeus 기동 로그에서 container 기동 & "$JEUS_HOME/webhome/autodeploy/" 경로의 *.war(serlvet) 파일을 디플로이하는 것을 확인.

[2022.02.15 14:19:00][0][b396] [tmax-1] [MGR-0248] JEUS Manager is READY
[2022.02.15 14:19:00][2][b396] [tmax-1] [MGR-0567] trying to start engine container[tmax_container1]
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] Try to deploy the application [servlet] with the following information : 
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [JMX-0011] create MBean : JEUS:j2eeType=WebModule,JMXManager=tmax_container1,JeusManager=tmax,J2EEServer=tmax_container1,J2EEApplication=null,ContextGroup=MyGroup,WebEngine=tmax_servlet_engine1,name=servlet
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-3857] <Context(servlet)>
- session descriptor -
    - distributable     : false
    - shared            : false
    - timeout           : 30(min)
    - reload-persistent : false
    - url-rewriting     : false
- session cookie -
    - jsessionid-name : JSESSIONID
    - version         : 0
    - domain          : null
    - path            : null
    - max-age         : -1 (browser-lifetime)
    - secure          : false
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][1][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-3713] Failed to initialize security environment with policy : _MyGroup/servlet. webapp descriptor or web-dd descriptor is null
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-3406] context (servlet) is initialized successfully
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-1504] deploying WebModule successful ContextGroupName = MyGroup, ContextName = servlet
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [JMX-0011] create MBean : JEUS:j2eeType=Servlet,JMXManager=tmax_container1,J2EEServer=tmax_container1,J2EEApplication=null,JeusManager=tmax,WebEngine=tmax_servlet_engine1,ContextGroup=MyGroup,WebModule=servlet,name=httpPostServlet
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [JMX-0011] create MBean : JEUS:j2eeType=JeusService,jeusType=SessionContainer,JMXManager=tmax_container1,WebEngine=tmax_servlet_engine1,J2EEServer=tmax_container1,JeusManager=tmax,ContextGroup=MyGroup,name=servlet_servlet
[2022.02.15 14:19:04][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-3480] context (servlet) is started successfully

-*.war 파일(servlet) 디플로이 여부 확인하는 방법.

1."$JEUS_HOME/webhome/'$hostname'_container" 경로에서 디플로이한 *.war 파일 확인.

[$JEUS_HOME/webhome/'$hostname'_container] $ ls
_generated_  examples servlet

2.JEUS ADMIN 접속 applist 명령으로 *.war 파일 & app state 확인.

#alias ja='jeusadmin `hostname` -U administrator -P passwd'
$ ja
JEUS 6.0 (Fix#9) administration tool
$hostname > applist
name : servlet
type : WebModule	EngineContainer : '$hostname'_container1	node : $hostname   state : running

3.JEUS WEB ADMIN(http://$JEUS_SERVER_IP:$JEUS_SERVER_BASE_PORT + 8/webadmin/app) 접속 어플리케이션 모듈 확인.


1.JEUS 6.0 Fix#9 설치, was & container 실행 가이드 참고.

2.[java] eclipse dynamic web project(servlet) 생성 & *.war 파일 export 가이드.

3.JEUS 6.0 Fix#9 매뉴얼 참고.
